Friday, February 7, 2025
Let's Talk Rusty Iron

Let's Talk Rusty Iron

Just to demonstrate how confusing it can be to reconstruct history, there are two different versions of how Stephen Bateman ended up in Grenloch, New Jersey.
1948 Gibson Model E tractor

In 1933, Harry Gibson started the Gibson Manufacturing Co. in Seattle, Washington, as a heavy machine shop.

A short history of the rise and fall of Benham, Kentucky.

Before there was a way to haul loose grain, it was sacked out of the threshing machine.
Navy Dairy Farm

Did you know that for about 80 years, the United States Navy was in the dairy farm business, and for several decades even operated a hog farm?

(Thankfully) my wife and I never had the pleasure of a shivaree as newlyweds

By SAM MOORE With this month being the 70th anniversary of the Allied landings in Normandy on D-Day, June 6, 1944, it might be an...

In his comprehensive book about building Hart-Parr and Oliver tractors at Charles City, Iowa, John D. Culbertson wrote the following under the heading "1906":...
barbed wire

Probably the first patent for a form of barbed wire was issued to Leonce Grassin-Baledans in 1860 in France during World War I.

Located in northeastenr Ohio, in Auburn, Ohio, Lewis and Walter Brockway first built the American Garden Tractor, and then formed the Leader Tractor Company in 1940.