Monday, May 20, 2024
plow horses

Tami Gingirch shares the history and environmental impact of the serviceberry tree — one of our earliest blooming native tree species in Ohio.
golden rod with bugs

Golden rod is responsible for keeping monarch butterflies fat and fed during their migration. It is not responsible for hay fever.
spotted salamander

Vernal pools provide seasonal breeding grounds to a host of amphibians and other species. As more of them disappear, so do the animals that rely on them.
barn swallow

Every spring Tami Gingrich awaits the arrival of the first barn swallow with great anticipation. And throughout the summer she's delighted by them.
Snow Flea up close

Snow fleas are, by far, the most abundant of all the arthropods, occupying habitats throughout the world, including Antarctica.
dandelion and coltsfoot

Although they are often confused for one another, coltsfoot and dandelion plants have noticeable differences. Learn how to tell them apart.
bluebird at the window

As male birds claim their territories and try to attract a mate, they try to eliminate competition during breeding season, which can lead to window battles.
Longhorn cattle

Tami Gingrich details the differences between horns and antlers, which are as different from one another as the animals that display them.
Hole at base of dead maple housing vultures

To some, dead trees are an eyesore. But nature columnist Tami Gingrich thinks beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Opossum in bush

Tami Gingrich highlights all the reasons the Virginia opossum is a unique and beneficial animal to have around.