Monday, May 20, 2024
Opossum in bush

Tami Gingrich highlights all the reasons the Virginia opossum is a unique and beneficial animal to have around.
dandelion and coltsfoot

Although they are often confused for one another, coltsfoot and dandelion plants have noticeable differences. Learn how to tell them apart.
Great Horned Owl Illustration

Great horned owls are fierce predators with many unique characteristics. They are also the first nesting bird of the year.
turkey vultures

Turkey vultures occupy an incredibly unique niche, playing an important role in our communities and keeping our environment clean.
Cecropia moth

Tami Gingrich details the unique lifecycles of moths, highlighting the largest and most beautiful species in North America.
cracked nuts

Tami Gingrich shares her love of hickory nuts with readers, offering tips on collecting and eating them.
spotted salamander

Vernal pools provide seasonal breeding grounds to a host of amphibians and other species. As more of them disappear, so do the animals that rely on them.
plow horses

Tami Gingirch shares the history and environmental impact of the serviceberry tree — one of our earliest blooming native tree species in Ohio.
hornet nest patterns

Tami Gingrich offers insight into the construction of the large, grey, pear-shaped, nests built by bald-faced hornets.
Mule foal

Mules are a healthy hybrid, displaying hybrid vigor, a phenomenon distinguished by superior characteristics far surpassing that of either parent.