Thursday, March 6, 2025
bluebird at the window

As male birds claim their territories and try to attract a mate, they try to eliminate competition during breeding season, which can lead to window battles.
Opossum in bush

Tami Gingrich highlights all the reasons the Virginia opossum is a unique and beneficial animal to have around.
cracked nuts

Tami Gingrich shares her love of hickory nuts with readers, offering tips on collecting and eating them.
Pileated woodpecker

Tami Gingrich offers insight into the lives of pileated woodpeckers — the largest North American species still confirmed to be living.

Tami Gingrich highlights the killdeer's unique behavior known as “injury feigning" which makes it one of the best actors in the animal kingdom.
Osage orange bark

Here in the Midwest, the fruit of the Osage orange tree has yet another name, spider ball. But does it actually repel spiders?
Cecropia moth

Tami Gingrich details the unique lifecycles of moths, highlighting the largest and most beautiful species in North America.
eastern phoebe

Tami Gingrich is looking forward to the arrival of the eastern phoebe, a harbinger of spring with a distinct repetitive, two-note “fee-bee” song.
turkey vultures

Turkey vultures occupy an incredibly unique niche, playing an important role in our communities and keeping our environment clean.
elderberry fruit

Tami Gingrich shares tips for identifying the American elderberry and using its berries.