Thursday, May 2, 2024
Maine forest

Instituting change is hard. It’s even more difficult when that change is ourselves. We created this and the change required to improve must start with us.
livestock guardian dog pup

For Tarma Shena, it’s not the livestock guardian dog and the stock on one side of a fence, away from the shepherd. They are in it together, start to finish.
livestock guardian dogs

What we owe the animals in our care is the ability to succeed, should they ever need to do it without us.

How a 17th century question of how the brain works shows what's important when it comes to communicating with dogs well.
tents in a pasture

Tarma Shena prepares for the second annual livestock guardian dog and shepherding seminar, at Farei Kennels.
livestock guardian dog seminar

Tarma Shena shares how "what we’ve always done" with livestock guardian dogs isn’t going to cut it any more, especially as farming continues to change.
livestock guardian dog puppy and goats

With her two new livestock guardian dog puppies in training, Tarma Shena works to adjust expectations and methods to fit their learning styles.
livestock guardian dog and woods

Tarma Shena admits she's wrong, as Sakura, the fence-jumping livestock guardian dog, transitions into a job with no fence.
ewes and lambs

Training young livestock guardian dogs during lambing can be time consuming, but Tarma Shena shares why it is an important job for the shepherd.
Maine woods

A busy spring has Tarma Shena considering the next steps for her livestock guardian dog pack.