Tuesday, May 7, 2024
bridger and tanaka

Tarma Shena discusses makes up a healthy livestock guardian dog pack hierarchy, as Tanaka decides she deserves the same respect as everyone else.
Snow path

Tarma Shena shares how Bridger, her good, veteran livestock guardian dog, was bad. All because of a cat.
LGD and sheep

Tarma Shena shares about her journey with herding dogs and LGDs. The key? Expect better, from them both.
Livestock guardian dog

Happy birthday, Kyra, 9 years young this month — a living, breathing representation of Tarma Shena's journey into livestock guardian dog ownership.
LGDs and lamb

Winter and spring are unpredictable these days. With predators pushing in and lambing season starting early, the livestock guardian dogs are on their toes.
livestock guardian dog puppy and goats

With her two new livestock guardian dog puppies in training, Tarma Shena works to adjust expectations and methods to fit their learning styles.
bridger lgd

Bridger is in charge of our unruly, free-ranging, tree-sleeping poultry, the house, yard and us. Although she has filled many positions on this farm, part of having an intelligent dog is respecting that intelligence, and Bridger has had a hand in selecting her duties.
livestock guardian dog in snow

For Tarma Shena, patience is key in livestock guardian dog training. So is a dog's ability to entertain itself. Case in point: Punica and the squirrel
Farei Kennels Punica

Tarma Shena mulls over unexpected complications in her livestock guardian dog breeding program, as she prepares for winter.
livestock guardian dogs

What we owe the animals in our care is the ability to succeed, should they ever need to do it without us.