Thursday, May 2, 2024
The Dirt on Conservation

The Dirt on Conservation

It's hunting season. Depending on your perspective, you imagine hunting as wearing camouflage, being in the woods in the early morning hours and waiting...

When I took a part-time position with the Jefferson Soil and Water Conservation District, little did I know what a learning experience it would be.

Do you recognize the habitat or habitats your property holds?

H.E.L.P. is an acronym for Higher Education Learning Partnership. This type of organization is more commonly known as a P-16 (Preschool-Bachelor's Degree) Council.

For rural neighbors, maintaining a positive relationship and mutual respect for one another could be one of the most important aspects in an ever-changing environment.

The word "lasagna" brings mouth-watering thoughts of baked pasta noodles layered in tomato sauce, fresh garlic, meat, and melted cheese. But in the world of gardening and composting, "lasagna gardening" is far from tasty. It gets its name from the layers created on Mother Nature's giant sheet pan.

If you are like me, you have a fascination with streams and creeks. This fascination may be due to my childhood. There was a stream near our house where kids from the neighborhood spent many summer days playing.

I often get questions from hunters and other wildlife enthusiasts about improving whitetail deer habitat on their property. In many instances, these conversations are immediately directed toward the planting of food plots. Landowners want to know the best food source they can plant to attract deer and other wildlife.

Conservation districts are where the why and how of conservation come together. The mission of the Guernsey Soil and Water Conservation District is to promote the sustainable use of natural resources.

Carroll County Soil and Water Conservation District is offering their no-till drills for only $8 per acre to plant cover crops.