Monday, May 20, 2024
The Dirt on Conservation

The Dirt on Conservation

Over the years in the soil and water conservation world in northeast Ohio, there has been at best, little attention given to marketing local...

You purchased local farm products all summer, but now what do you do with the remaining product? Here are a few ideas: canning, drying and freezing.
Cover crops

Soil and water conservation districts in the Muskingum Watershed Conservancy District are coordinating a Cover Crop Cost Share program.
black-eyed susan

Small changes in the way homeowners manage their property can mean a lot to the environment.

There are other options that may be more cost effective and less labor intensive, that could eliminate a lot of hay needs during the winter.

Have you ever given any thought to invasive plants and the damage they do to the environment? I know I had not until I...

Telephones, texts, emails, even regular mail, are OK for some things, but if you really want to get a point across, take your ideas to the farm and talk to the guys (or gals) that make the decisions.
reusable bag with recycling symbol

Learn more about lifestyle changes that can positively impact the environment.

We all need to compromise for the good of nature, animals, wildlife, pollinators, and even ourselves. Protecting our natural resources will benefit us all.

It's hunting season. Depending on your perspective, you imagine hunting as wearing camouflage, being in the woods in the early morning hours and waiting...