Thursday, May 9, 2024
Asian longhorned ticks

It is time to start thinking about how we can keep our grazing animals safe from ticks and flies that can cause medical problems and production losses.
corn field

Alan Guebert recalls the brilliance of Theodore W. Schultz, “perhaps the world’s most pre-eminent agricultural economist.”

Despite the mess they create and their other qualities that make keeping them difficult, Eliza Blue has given in and gotten herself a few ducklings.

Ohio State Extension educator Jason Hartschuh shares tips for identifying and managing heat stress in calves.

Once early settlers had felled, sectioned and de-barked trees, it was time for the hewing process to begin, which required a broadaxe and a marking axe.

Bryce Angell recalls dissecting grasshoppers in Mr. Garrett’s sophomore biology class.
Brazil soybean plantation

Marlin Clark analyses recent shifts in the corn, soybean and wheat markets, identifying inclement weather around the world as a factor pushing up prices.
dandelion and coltsfoot

Although they are often confused for one another, coltsfoot and dandelion plants have noticeable differences. Learn how to tell them apart.
otto engine

Coolspring Power Museum has grown into a world class collection of gas engines — 75% of which operate in their displays — spanning 35 buildings on 40 acres.
grilled meat on black charcoal grill

Cowboy poet Bryce Angell writes about the exquisite experience of eating a good steak that's cooked just right.