Monday, May 20, 2024
Brazil soybean plantation

Marlin Clark analyses recent shifts in the corn, soybean and wheat markets, identifying inclement weather around the world as a factor pushing up prices.
dandelion and coltsfoot

Although they are often confused for one another, coltsfoot and dandelion plants have noticeable differences. Learn how to tell them apart.
otto engine

Coolspring Power Museum has grown into a world class collection of gas engines — 75% of which operate in their displays — spanning 35 buildings on 40 acres.
grilled meat on black charcoal grill

Cowboy poet Bryce Angell writes about the exquisite experience of eating a good steak that's cooked just right.
sandhill cranes

The annual return of wintering birds to their ancestral breeding and summering grounds is in full-flight, writes columnist Jim Abrams.
silhouette of person's hands forming heart

Columnist Kymberly Seabolt doles out advice on keeping a happy marriage after celeberating her "499th wedding anniversary, give or take a few centuries."

Columnist Eric Keller knows that it's important to have the right tool for the job.
Clun Forest sheep

The Clun Forest sheep have performed better than Eliza Blue could have hoped, especially during lambing season.

Farm equipment will be a frequent sight on our roads in the coming weeks, and taking a few minutes for safety could prevent an accident.
Hemlock trees at Beaver Creek

Forest products provide a $30 billion annual economic impact in Ohio, as well as providing wildlife habitat and hunting. But Ohio's forests are under threat, writes Lynn Vogel.