Monday, May 20, 2024

California is embroiled in a hot issue that affects agriculture, as well as everyday living -- an issue that will affects us all sooner or later. Water.

The creation of an Ohio Livestock Care Standards Board will mean the implementation of standards governing livestock and poultry production. But I would rather have those standards created by a body that understands production livestock agriculture than an entity that would like to abolish animal agriculture.

"Have you seen this?" The Twitter direct message from John Blue of Truffle Media asked. "Indiana Fair Oaks Farm video." And it gave the...

As farmers and farm leaders struggle to figure out strategies to educate a growing farm-illiterate consumer population, maybe they should try small ball -- methodically undertake individual efforts and be opportunistic, rather than swing for the fences.

Dear Jon,Coach T. was right: Every game, every football season, has peaks and valleys. You heard it in the locker room every Friday night...

On May 11, President Barack Obama declared, "I will not rest until the dream of health care reform is achieved in the United States...

I'm sure we have not heard the last of the H1N1 virus or related gene reassortments. But it's not the time to panic. It's the time to use your head and common sense.

He calls himself "America's No. 1 Truth Detector," but conservative radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh must not have researched the Humane Society of...

I love the 1990 fairy tale movie Pretty Woman that stars Richard Gere and Julia Roberts (although I admit a prostitute is not standard...

HSUS is not about pet shelters, unwanted animal rescues, or adopting a cat. It is about reducing the consumption of meat, refining the diet, and replacing meat in your diet with plant-based foods.