Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Above: Note from a Farm and Dairy reader North Carolina Agriculture Commissioner Steve Troxler was eating lunch with some staff members at a local restaurant...

Hamilton County's Bobby Burwinkel has some fun behind a podium at the USDA. A future U.S. Secretary of Agriculture perhaps? --- With all the economic doom...

Even on the most difficult days, farmers need to step up to the plate believing that what they do matters, because it does. That belief, that optimism, and even a little forced enthusiasm will be enough to lift you.

The horn of plenty needs tooting. And you are obligated to do some of it.

My husband and I don't take much stock in Valentine's Day cards and such. One year, I shamed him into getting me a heart-shaped...

We cannot be so narrow-minded to think that there is only one way to be successful, to be sustainable, in farming today.

Biotechnology can feed the world, save lives, protect the environment, and improve human and animal health and welfare.

National Cattlemen's Beef Association president-elect Gary Voogt (he takes office Jan. 24) made some good, salt-of-the-earth comments at last weekend's annual meeting of the...

Those folks at Purdue University are sheer genius.No offense to my friends at the fine land grant universities in Ohio and Pennsylvania, but in...

Last September when I solicited responses to the question "What I learned on my first job", one of the people I contacted was Pike...