Saturday, May 18, 2024
corn kernels and dollar bills

Just when you think 2020 can’t possibly get any crazier, autumn arrives with a carload of crazy in tow, and not just in the U.S., says Alan Guebert.
meat label

Learn how meatpackers used lobbyists to influence policy related to staffing requirements amid COVID-19 and how the death of Tony Corbo may compound things.
American flag

Alan Guebert worries that rather than learning lessons in 2020, Americans have squandered most of the year, over $4 trillion and almost 200,000 lives.
census banner

In 60 or so days, Election Day and its results — whoever wins — will shake the nation and world. Alan Guebert weighs in with his thoughts.
Soybean harvest

Alan Guebert considers zombie ideas in politics and how they've contributed to the trade negotiations that have affected the U.S. agricultural sector.
basket of food

Alan Guebert's grandmother was both a woman of her times and a woman far ahead of even our times.
ground meat

Alan Guebert sheds some light on the many reasons to dislike JBS USA, the world's — and America's — largest meatpacker.
American flag

Alan Guebert ponders farm payments from the government and ag industries that no longer operate independently, wondering if policy changes may work better.
corn kernels and dollar bills

Alan Guebert shares his concerns over congress' request to raise the annual spending authority of the USDA’s Commodity Credit Corporation.
angus cattle

Alan Guebert contemplates herd immunity and the reality of what it would take to develop herd immunity to COVID-19.