Friday, April 26, 2024
garden tools and fall leaves

It's time to start preparing our gardens for winter. Use these tips to make next year's vegetable and herb gardening easier and more fruitful.
vegetable transplant collage

Proper preparation, timing and technique help seedlings become healthy and productive plants.

Crabgrass is a common problem that appears in summer. Learn how to control it before it becomes a problem in your lawn.

Providing pollinators with food, water and shelter supports strong plant production; plus you get to enjoy the beauty that hummingbirds, bees, butterflies and other pollinators bring to your yard!
Chamomile seedlings

Learn how to select seeds and ensure drainage and air transpiration to successfully sow seeds outdoors during winter.

Certain herbs are known to repel mosquitoes. There are many ways you can reduce the number of mosquitoes around your home and property.

After the hectic holiday has passed, gardeners will begin sorting through their big piles of seed catalogs to choose spring seed.
squirrel eating pumpkin

Learn how to recycle your decorative pumpkins and jack-o-lanterns at each stage of decomposition to minimize waste and help wildlife.
holiday dinner table

Careful preparation, cooking, and healthy eating are important, especially during the holiday season.
cat in a garden

Petscaping encourages pets to enjoy spaces created just for them, reducing potential damage to your gardens and lawn.