Friday, May 3, 2024
hot chocolate

Homemade hot chocolate is rich, creamy and simple to make.

Fermentation is a growing trend for producing safe, easy and healthy foods and beverages.

The most anticipated dish of Thanksgiving dinner is up for debate, but to some, the turkey just can’t be beat.
green tomatoes

The almanac warns frost is overdue. Vegetable growers are harvesting those last few warm weather crops before it’s too late.
carved pumpkin on porch

Carving a Jack-o’-lantern is no longer the most popular way to decorate a pumpkin for Halloween.
rain barrel

Prepare your rain barrel for winter to make sure that it's still usable come spring.

Microgreens and sprouts are two superfoods that are easier to grow indoors and produce a crop much quicker, in as little as 5 days.

How do you compost? Here’s some information about building your own compost bin.
snow covered car

Prepare your car for winter before the snow starts to fly.

Fall may actually be a better time to establish strong roots, beat the heat and create a balanced moisture environment for new fruit plants.