Thursday, May 2, 2024

As summer winds toward fall, this has been a year constantly ahead of itself, it seems.

Farm lessons included 'hard work, taking nothing for granted.'

Just this past week, a friend and I got to talking about how certain traditions have been handed down, some by family, others through the law of life's essentials.

Summertime memories of being a kid on the farm.

To family we are born.

It has proven to be true: you can take the country boy off of the farm, but you can’t sweep the country off the boy.

It was a pretty drive through farm country to attend Horse Progress Days in Mount Hope on a beautifully sunny Fourth of July. The quiet...

Farming can get in a family's blood early on.

There was a big family who had just moved in to our community, and one day in class I noticed the hole in the new boy’s shirt.

Life, it has been said, is a series of dress rehearsals. If you keep working on it, one day you will be ready for...