Friday, May 3, 2024
jack russel

Kymberly Foster Seabolt, hilariously, dotes on the newest members of her family — two tiny but loveable rescue dogs.

After living in leggings for nearly a year, Kymberly Foster Seabolt tries to wear denim jeans or virtually any pant with a zipper again.

Kymberly Foster Seabolt tries out new hobbies as she searches for something that will stick.
winter clothing

Kymberly Foster Seabolt has grown from the too cool to prepare for cool weather to being completely ensconced in down and wool from head to toe.
shopping carts

The possibilities for online shopping are growing. You can subscribe to almost anything.
Fluffy dog

The adventures of a recently promoted former emergency backup dog. Now that Ace is gone, Jagger has been promoted to Top Dog.

Magazines, televisions and the arch nemesis of the non-crafty, Pinterest, have all taken a toll on people who want to have a "good enough home."
Ace, Kymberly Foster Seabolt's late German Shepherd.

Ace was the puppy they didn't need and the dog they will never forget. Following his passing, the German Shepherd is remembered as a loyal protector.

There is such hatred of PromPosals and Homecoming Asks that entire internet conversations will devolve into name calling among adults over the very topic.

Kymberly Foster Seabolt adjusts to life with two college-age children.