Friday, May 3, 2024

Marlin Clark shares an update on the grain markets for the week of May 11, 2020.
Planting season at Putt Farms.

Marlin Clark offers an update on the agricultural markets for the week of May 4, 2020.
pigs in barn

Marlin Clark reflects on the difficult decisions many farmers are being forced to make due to current circumstances related to COVID-19.
Pumping gas

Although he likes cheap gas like everyone else, Marlin Clark believes it's a terrible thing because it affects everything else in the global economy.
meat packing plant

Marlin Clark analyzes the market impacts of major meat packing houses closing because of outbreaks of COVID-19 in their workers.
delayed planting, corn,

Marlin Clark offers an update on the struggling commodity markets in his April 9, 2020 column.
delayed planting, corn,

Marlin Clark offers insight on the latest data released in the USDA Projected Planting Report and the March 1 Grain Stocks Report are released. 
sweet corn

Marlin Clark offers insight on how commodities are being controlled strongly by the continued economic struggle related to the spread of COVID-19.
grain dump

As coronavirus takes a toll on international markets, the grain markets are less affected than others. Find out how the COVID-19 is affecting grain prices.
Ag trade photo

Marlin Clark believes grain prices have bottomed out, allowing sizable gains in the corn and soybean markets. Learn more in this week's grain markets report.