Sunday, May 19, 2024

Ohio is among the nation's leading producers of raw furs, and hunters and trappers are expected to encounter good populations, according to the Ohio Department of Natural Resources.

Deer-gun season, one of Ohio's most revered hunting traditions, begins Dec. 2, with 30 more minutes of prime hunting time each day, according to the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR). Ohio's deer-gun season is open through Dec. 8.

SOUTH CHARLESTON, Ohio -- Ohio State University's Pumpkin Field Day will be held Aug. 30 in South Charleston, Ohio from 6-8 p.m. at the Western Agricultural Research Station.

The Amphora Works produced art pottery in the Turn-Teplitz Region of Austria at the turn of the last century. Amphora collectors will hold a conference Aug. 9-11 at the Holiday Inn in Sidney, Ohio.

DENVER — The National Cattlemen’s Foundation, in cooperation with the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association, is launching a disaster relief effort to assist farm and...

Editor:Today I remember that Tuesday morning as if it were yesterday. I sat at my desk having my coffee listening to the morning broadcast...

Editor:These days, the subject one is most likely to hear on the evening news is the state of the economy. The U.S.A. is a...

WASHINGTON -- The U.S. biodiesel industry has set a new record for annual production, according to the latest EPA figures, proving the power that strong domestic energy policy has in creating U.S. jobs and boosting the economy.

Feeding hay costs more than twice as much per pound of gain or any other economic measurement.

JEFFERSON, Ohio — Stephanie Mason was selected to represent Ashtabula County at State 4-H Leadership Camp at 4-H Camp Ohio July 13-17. The...