Sunday, May 5, 2024

REYNOLDSBURG -- Ohio farm families and local communities submitted applications asking the Ohio Department of Agriculture to purchase an easement on their farmland, which...

Little known fungi, which have been diminished by modern agricultural practices such as tillage, could help plant intake of soil nutrients.

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. - It seems like it hasn't quit raining since Bryan Swistock voiced worries in mid-April about an impending groundwater drought in Pennsylvania.

WOOSTER, Ohio - Melissa Arko and Neil Topovski were recently recognized by the Wayne Soil and Water Conservation District for their efforts in introducing science and conservation to students at Parkview Elementary School in the Wooster City School District.

The lowest projected winter wheat plantings in 30 years could give some lift to wheat prices by summer harvest.

WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. -- There may be no such thing as the "normal" growing conditions of old that many corn farmers have been longing...

"When one side is fundamentally opposed to what the other side does, there is no common ground." Julie Maschhoff Maschhoff Pig Company

University of Kentucky researchers harvested the university’s first hemp crop in decades Sept. 23.

NEW YORK - Norman Borlaug, often called "Father of the Green Revolution," received the Congressional Gold Medal July 17 in honor of his work and multiple accomplishments in agricultural science.

REYNOLDSBURG, Ohio -- The number of sheep and lambs on Ohio farms on Jan. 1, totaled 128,000 head, down 2 percent from the 2009...