Saturday, May 4, 2024

COLUMBIA, Mo. - The climatological "peak" of hurricane season in the Atlantic passed just days ago, and the Atlantic region has already seen three strong storms - two Category 4 and one Category 5.
Tim Mealey

Tim Mealey shared this photo of his sons and daughter. They're happy that the oldest brother bagged a deer with his Christmas gift.

BEVERLY, Ohio — Fort Frye FFA is is starting its annual strawberry sale, offering a full flat of strawberries for $26, and half a...

ST. LOUIS - The European Commission approved the use of Monsanto's Roundup Ready Corn NK603 and its processed products as food and food ingredients.
Beef cattle eating

The National Beef Quality Audit tells us we're doing a good job implementing change to improve production shortfalls, but there's still room to improve.
Spotted lanternfly

The USDA awarded nearly $1 million for a program to use satellite remote sensing to learn more about the spotted lanternfly.

WOOSTER, Ohio - Ohio State University scientists are using a $1 million U.S. Department of Agriculture grant to study the relationship between wild birds and E.
red and white building near green trees during daytime

Some Ohio farm and business groups are urging immigration reform, saying it could help address workforce shortages in the food and farm sectors.
Just Rite 4-H Club

The Geauga Beef and Swine 4H club met July 17 at Adam's Farm.

OTTAWA - Canadian officials confirmed Sunday, Jan. 2, that a 9-year-old dairy cow from Alberta, Canada, tested positive for bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE).