Thursday, October 31, 2024

Don't swear off serving flavored milk just yet. The drinks might be more helpful to your health than you realize.

Most people don't realize that their odds for a heat-related illness go up the longer they're exposed, climatologists say.

Adding cattle to your herd? Look for big, solid animals. New research claims cCattle with fine bones may have a more skittish temperament than those with a heavier frame.

Consumers choose locally grown food for product freshness and to help support local small farmers - and they're also more willing to pay a higher premium for "locally grown" than for "organic."

Youth from Ohio and Pennsylvania battled for bragging rights at the National Guernsey Youth Dairy Bowl Contest, June 22, in Sacramento, Calif.

Although crop yields are lower in organic production than in convention production, overall health of the soil and related fertility seems to be stronger.

A new Penn State Web site is linking consumers to producers in a site that's easy for both to use.

Reader says reward the few FBI agents who wanted to investigate Zacarias Moussaoui.

A new proposal will keep portions of APHIS in the department of agriculture.

A two-year research study funded by the pork checkoff shows that use of a geotextile cover reduced odors from manure storage by an average of 45 percent.