Saturday, May 4, 2024

The EPA is registering the herbicide, Enlist Duo with new restrictions to manage the problem of resistant weeds.


LEXINGTON, Ky. - Cattle producers try their best to monitor the health of their herds for any sign of sickness and disease.

For the 22nd consecutive year, Ohio has retained its standing as the nation's leader in the number of Tree City USA communities.

GREENSBURG, Kan. - The phrase "true grit" is often associated with cowboy toughness - an indomitable spirit - that proved an asset in settling the West.

WASHINGTON - A "brain drain" problem is plaguing a number of states in the Midwest, Great Plains and Northeast.

The policy allows producers to insure between 50 to 85 percent of their whole farm revenue and makes crop insurance more affordable for producers, including fruit and vegetable growers and organic farmers and ranchers.

REYNOLDSBURG, Ohio — Fulton County residents Robert and Carol Willson preserved two farms totaling 120.08 acres by donating agricultural easements to the Ohio Department...

The grant program creates the opportunity for fuel retailers to significantly expand the reach of ethanol in Ohio.

Unless additional funding is granted, Ohio's farmland preservation program will be in its final year.