Saturday, May 4, 2024

Twenty-nine farms in 16 counties were added to the state’s farmland preservation program — totaling 2,857 acres of additional farmland.

The fracas over the North American International Livestock Exposition has insiders shaking their heads as leaders scramble to prep for the 2015 event.
legal scales

The chicken processor was cited with 55 OSHA violations.

Restricting dietary fat leads to body fat loss at a rate 68 percent higher than cutting the same number of carbohydrate calories.
tax form

The Internal Revenue Service is warning taxpayers to remain on high alert and protect themselves against the ever-evolving array of deceitful tactics scammers use to trick people.

The southeastern portion of Ohio appears to be where oil well drillers are concentrating according to the latest numbers issued by the Ohio Department of Natural Resources.

Geauga County 4-Hers took a field trip exploring many different agricultural relevant locations.

Mark Fenton, a nationally recognized advocate for active transportation and former host of America’s Walking, will deliver the keynote address at the fifth annual Ohio Land Bank Conference, Sept. 21-23.

The Century House, which has been an independent living facility for the elderly since 1888, will close by the end of 2015.

A stretch of Yellow Creek containing a massive granite boulder called Standing Rock as well as one of the few remaining populations of Eastern Hellbenders in Ohio has been permanently preserved.