Sunday, May 19, 2024

Instead of being wary of a larger predator that could pose a danger, some badgers will team up with a coyote as a hunting partner. 

SALEM, Ohio -- Mixed emotions are being expressed about the announcement that Ohio farm groups had reached an agreement with the Humane Society of...

ASHLAND, Ohio -- Farmers from Ashland County and across Ohio are preparing themselves and their friends for a "yes" vote on Ohio's Issue 2,...
northwestern wayne floriculture team

Catch up on FFA news from East Knox FFA, Mount Vernon FFA and Northwestern Wayne FFA.
Mid-States Wool Growers

One of the country’s major wool buyers is closing its doors later this year, citing the woeful state of the wool markets and rising costs.
wood products

Duluth Trading Co. carries many wool products, but a recent catalog description that bashed wool has fired up sheep producers. Ohio sheep producer Rebecca Miller shares her thoughts.
blackburnian warbler

Naturalist Linda Gilbert will host a “bird sit” on World Migratory Bird Day, May 18 from 6:30-11 a.m. at Geauga Park District’s newest park, Troy Wetlands.
Groundhog holes

The groundhog is famous for one day in February, a nuisance most of the rest.

Richard “TJ” Freije won the 2024 World Automobile Auctioneers Championship on April 26, held at the ADESA Indianapolis Auction. His son, Tyce, took third place in the contest.

WOOSTER, Ohio -- After experiencing one of the worst years for milk prices, dairy farmers across the nation were served yet another forceful blow...