Tuesday, April 30, 2024
christmas tree fruit decorations

Consider turning your discarded living Christmas tree into a bird feeding station. Learn how to decorate it with edible ornaments and garland to feed birds.
carcasses hanging in cooler

Lawmakers are trying to help the bottlenecked meat processing industry, but will it be enough to help packers catch up with demand?
Charity steer

McKalynne Helmke was one of the exhibitors selected to raise a steer, show it and auction it to support the Ronald McDonald House Charities of Central Ohio.
Lake Erie shore and rocks.

Near the end of the legislative session, Dec. 17, House Bill 7 passed its final vote. As the state approaches the end of the H2Ohio program’s first year, supporters say the bill will create more infrastructure for monitoring and managing those efforts. The bill establishes a State Watershed Planning and Management Program.
coffee and computer

A recent study from The Center for Rural Pennsylvania confirmed what many have been saying: rural Pennsylvanians are often getting slower internet speeds at higher prices than urban Pennsylvanians. But it also suggested that rural residents are more willing to pay for broadband than urban residents.
power lines with birds on them

A Franklin County judge blocked fees that were to be tacked onto Ohioans’ electric bills as part of the House Bill 6 $1 billion nuclear plant bailout.
blue jay

Learn how to make a peanut butter log bird feeder and find out what birds you're likely to attract to your Northeast Ohio backyard.
white tailed deer

Ohio's hunters harvested 71,650 white-tailed deer during the annual gun hunting week that concluded Dec. 6.
People walk around in front of concession stands at the Canfield Fair.

Shortly after midnight Dec. 18, the Ohio House passed Senate Bill 375, a bill that seeks to void a July 30 health order limiting fairs to junior fairs only.
wild hog

For the past six years, federal and state programs have enabled drone surveillance, sharpshooters in helicopters and high-tech traps to manage feral pigs.