Tuesday, April 30, 2024
voting booths

Voters will soon decide the fate of funding for Stark Parks. The county farm bureau came out against a levy to maintain funding for the parks.
picture of a gavel

Here's a list of Farm and Dairy auction and event listings in Ohio, Pennsylvania and Kentucky that have been canceled or postponed due to the coronavirus.
tom wolf coronavirus press conference

The coronavirus outbreak in the U.S. prompted a number of activities, events and programs to be suspended or canceled in Ohio and Pennsylvania.
Lauri Andress

Rural hunger has been on the decline. West Virginia researchers, families and food banks say upcoming changes to federal programs might put any progress at risk.
women in front of cows

Two agriculture apprenticeships in Pennsylvania are opening doors for the next generation of farmers.
no trespassing sign

Purple paint legislation is back in Ohio. The bill would give landowners the option to use purple paint as a no trespassing notice on their properties.

What factors indicate a healthy creek? Learn how to determine whether or not your creek is healthy, so you can respond to indications of impairment sooner.
a girl scooping feed from a bag into a bucket.

Addy Brenner, a Stark County 4-H'er, spends time every day feeding and training her two 4-H market steers for the 2020 fair.
driling rig

An Ohio bill would standardize and expand the information sent out with royalty checks for landowners.
girls show off bunny

A small high school in Washington County, Pennsylvania showed off its agricultural education program in celebration of National FFA week.