Saturday, May 4, 2024
Ethanol sign

USDA funding will help expand ethanol pumps across the nation.
Week in Review 10/31

This week’s top stories include an Ohio organic farming conference, news that meat may cause cancer, how Ohio could fill the food production gap in California’s drought and more.
fall leaves on grass

Some fertilizing hints for the health of your lawn and garden soil.
cast iron skillet

Cast iron cookware is versatile. Here are some tips for seasoning cast iron cookware as well as troubleshooting suggestions.
FFA award

Austin Wippel, of Orient, Ohio, was named Star American Farmer, one of the top honors an FFA member can ever receive.
Compost pack

Compost barns could be a viable option for Ohio dairy farmers looking to improve their manure management and cow comfort options.
Ear of corn

WOOSTER, Ohio — Late-harvested corn may be at risk for some growers this year thanks to western bean cutworms that have infested some fields,...

Food can be grown indoors, but to be profitable, you need a good plan.
Dr. Steve Slack

Steve Slack, director of the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center, has been inducted into the National Institute of Food and Agriculture Hall of Fame

Ohio lawmakers hear plans for clean water bond initiative.