Sunday, May 19, 2024
Pasture Walk Kenney

Harry Kenney, of Kenney Farms: "We are trying to maintain high quality forage as close to year around and winter feeding with hay. If a cow can’t live on hay and grass I don’t want it here.”
U.S. Capitol

A bipartisan effort to give U.S. more negotiating power could boost U.S. trade deals for agriculture.

The Ohio High School Rodeo Association has provided the Jarvis family, and many others, with opportunity.

Old barns tell a lot about our history, and one Ohio man is dedicated to preserving not only the barns, but the trades that first built them.

Columnist Judie Sutherland has no idea how Doris, self-proclaimed queen of the flock, gets out of every fenced-in area. But she does. Again. And Again.

Janet Cassidy shares her Supper Club idea — a way of entertaining and socializing with friends.
pepper plants

Some birds can be a nuisance in the garden, but there are simple ways for gardeners to scare birds off and lessen the damage done to fruits and vegetables.

Soybeans are poised to go below $9, and that is the lowest price in a long time. Barring a turn to poor weather, beans will get cheaper, says grain merchandiser Marlin Clark.
Week in Review 5/23

This week’s top stories include tips for transplanting seedlings, ways farmers are working to connect with the community, insight on the future of the shale oil and gas industry in the U.S. and tips for planting herbs.
American flags

The U.S. Flag Code describes the appropriate ways to display the American flag for all occasions.