Sunday, May 19, 2024
Week in Review 5/16

This week’s top stories include information about controlling Palmer amaranth, the latest case of bird flu, choosing the best mulch for your lawn and garden, taking care of sick trees in your yard and how the installation of rollover protective structures are being used to prevent deaths and serious injuries in tractor accidents.
mint plant

Growing herbs can add spice to the garden and the kitchen, said Pam Bennett, Ohio State University Extension horticulture educator and director in Clark County.

The Lake to River Food Hub of Youngstown is working to tie farmers, food and the community together.
transplanting seedlings

Whether you started seeds yourself or purchased vegetable seedlings at the store, now is the time to transplant seedlings in your garden.

Editor Susan Crowell's column: The future of agriculture needs the brightest and the best young minds.

It is important to remember that the practices of shale energy development have changed considerably over time and so has a lot of the leasing language.

At the time he purchased the 150-acre property in Harrison County, Ohio, Alan Walter didn’t plan on becoming a tree farmer. This year he was named Ohio Tree Farmer of the Year.

Seabolt celebrates her son's 18th birthday.

The Ohio Farm Bureau Federation has proposed two changes to the Ohio Department of Taxation aimed at more accurately reflecting farm property valuations, as well as encouraging more conservation practices.
planting field

Mostly dry week makes for considerable progress in the fields.