Can you name this week’s antique tool?

Item No. 1128
A woman stands inside of a large opening in this antique item.
Item No. 1126

Hello from Hazard!
We heard from three more readers on Item No. 1126, a copper bathtub with wood framing, shared by Mary Thompson, of Flushing, Ohio. George Christ, of Loretto, Pennsylvania; Lorelei Lopick, Canton, Ohio; and Richard Pollard II, of Loudonville, Ohio, each wrote us to correctly identify our photo.
Interestingly, Pollard, who is 71, adds that when he was young, he cleaned house for a school teacher. She had a copper wash tub like this in a wooden frame but it was foldable, and the copper tub folded up inside the wooden frame for storing.
Thank you!


A antique metal tool about 6 inches wide that opens revealing three flat arms with triangle points on the end.
ITEM NO. 1127 (opened)

Speaking of the human body, we didn’t know it, but Item No. 1127, submitted by Blanche Kind, of Slippery Rock, Pennsylvania, is a tool used for blood letting in the 18th and 19th centuries (when the idea that cutting a person would relieve various medical maladies).
Both Phil Maasz, of Smithville, Ohio, and Christopher Beck, of Powell, Ohio, knew what it was. In fact, Beck says it’s called a “fleam.”
So be careful how you use it, Blanche!

A wire framed tool with loop handle at the end, and 5 spiral wire holders at the bottom.
Item No. 1128

And so we move on to a new gizmo, sent in by Tom Saltsman, of Canton, Ohio. He says his 102-year-old neighbor — who usually knows what all his flea market finds are — encouraged him to submit it. Neither have seen Item No. 1128, although they’re assuming it’s used for eggs. It measures 6 inches across and 6 inches to the top of the ring, and the holders are 2 inches.
Can anyone tell us more specifically how it was used? Email us at; or by mail to: Hazard a Guess, c/o Farm and Dairy, P.O. Box 38, Salem, OH 44460.

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