FSA Andy for May 8


Hello again!

Looks like farmers in the area are getting some field work done — in between rains, that is.

While you’re out there working ground, are you going to be a “sodbuster” this year? The term “sodbusting” is used to identify the plowing up of erosion-prone grasslands for use as cropland.

Sodbuster violations are unauthorized tillage practices on highly erodible lands that were converted to native vegetation such as rangeland or woodland, to crop production after Dec. 23, 1985.

Farmers should be aware that if they use highly erodible land for crop production without proper conservation measures, they risk losing eligibility to participate in Farm Service Agency programs.

Before producers clear, plow or otherwise prepare areas not presently under crop production for planting, they are required to file an AD-1026, indicating the area to be brought into production. If Natural Resources Conservation Service indicates on a CPA-026 that the area will be highly erodible land, the producer will be required to develop and implement a conservation plan on the affected acreage before bringing land into production.

In addition, producers and the producer’s affiliates have to file an AD-1026 with the staff in the administrative or control county office before any farm program payments can be made. The AD-1026 is the producer’s signed certification that highly erodible land conservation, as well as wetland conservation, provisions will not be violated.

Also, for those of you who are still holding onto your 2007 crops, please be reminded you can still obtain a commodity loan for 2007 crop year corn, grain sorghum, soybeans and sunflower seed through May 31.

With the fluctuations in temperature that we have in the spring, check your grain often to ensure it does not go out of condition. If you have grain under a Marketing Assistance Loan and use the farm-stored grain as collateral, you are responsible for maintaining the quality of the commodity for the term of the loan.

If you want to move that loan collateral before it gets warm this summer, don’t forget it cannot be removed or disposed of without prior county office staff authorization or repayment.

The county office staff may issue release authorizations based on a telephone or in-person request when you are ready to move the grain. A loan violation is subject to monetary and administrative penalties, such as repaying the loan at principal plus interest, liquidated damages, calling the loan and denial of future farm-stored loans and loan deficiency payments.

That’s all for now,
FSA Andy

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