Meals On Wheel needs support



As I was driving through the square in Columbiana the other evening, I was dismayed to see the large United Way thermometer indicating that only 30 percent of the 2002 campaign goal had been met.

Realizing the campaign will soon end, a thought of panic went through my mind as I suddenly realized the financial support the Columbiana Area Meals On Wheels Program receives annually from United Way. And we are not alone: Northern Columbiana County United Way supports more than 20 local charities. Surely all 20 of these organizations are experiencing the same concern.

In May of 1998, the 13-year MOW program that had delivered more than 92,000 meals to the homebound and elderly in the Columbiana area, was $6,000 in debt and in June closed due to lack of funding. After bringing the program’s plight to the community’s attention, United Way came forward as a major contributor with an additional donation. This made the reopening of the program possible.

Support from the United Way is vital to sustain the MOW Program. As you contribute to worthwhile charities and programs, please remember the number of local lives touched annually by your contribution to the United Way.

Beverly J. Grappy

Columbiana, Ohio

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