As you pause for Christmas, remember FSA deadlines

snowy farm

Hello Friends,

As the days draw closer to Christmas, the reflections of Christmas past always come to mind.

I was raised on a farm in central Ohio and my family traditions come from those wonderful memories. When I was very young … my best Christmas present was my black Shetland pony named “Lady,” followed by the pony harness and cart the following year.

My mother is the master of the kitchen; she has made every type of fudge imaginable. … but peanut butter fudge has been mass produced at Christmas for many years.

The Christmas lights strung on the hedges along the house and the star on the TV antenna are all part of those memories. It seems like the board games, Monopoly, Yahtzee and Sorry were always played either Christmas Eve or during the holiday season.

There was always time for a ride into town to look at the neighborhood Christmas lights. In the world we live in today, nobody has a TV antenna and the only games my kids play are on a cell phone.

I try to reel them all back to the importance of having conversations with grandparents and siblings that they so rarely see. I would venture to say most farmers see us folks at the Farm Service Agency office as much or more than some of their siblings.

Dates to remember

Some upcoming dates at the Farm Service Agency are:

  • Nov. 1, 2017-Aug. 1, 2018, ARC/PLC Sign-ups.
  • March 15, 2018, NAP. Sorghum, oats, Potatoes, Soybeans, sunflowers etc.
  • May 31, 2018, MAL, Corn and soybean loan deadline.
  • July 15, 2018, Acreage reporting, corn soybeans and all other spring-seeded crops.
  • Aug. 1, 2018, Elections, deadline to nominate for county committee.
  • Aug. 31, NAP Value loss crops, Christmas trees, ginseng, sod etc.
  • Oct. 1, 2017-Oct. 31, 2018 Organic Cost Share.

If you don’t know your neighbors or FSA staff by name, maybe it’s time to get acquainted. The relationships we have built at our office over the years are important. The folks at your local FSA office will be waiting to sign you up as in years past.

Ooh, I forgot to wrap this up. … My most memorable present was a watering bucket from my brother … well, it was useful!

That’s all for now,

FSA Andy

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