Think About It: The bright side


Have we forgotten that there is a bright side to life? I don’t need to remind you winter is on its way. How many times have you heard people moan and groan when you mention old man winter? I must confess that I am guilty. I do not care for winter.

My choice is the nice sunny days of summer. I enjoy short sleeve shirt weather. I like to work outside and set under a big shade tree and drink lemonade. However, there is no place, that I know of, in Ohio where there is summer year-round. Have you ever heard it said, “You can’t have your cake and eat it too?” I am sorry I do not know who said it however it is a true statement.

So what do we do about it? I remind you there is a “bright side.”

I recently told my wife that I was going to miss seeing and hearing the birds during this winter. In order to keep some of the birds around our property I decided to purchase a large bag of birdseed and fill my bird feeder so I could not only feed the birds but also keep them around our home.

To me, there is nothing more beautiful than God’s creation. Not only in people but also in plants, animals and the different kinds and colors of birds. I enjoy hearing the birds sing in all seasons of the year. They remind me that even though it is winter, there is still a bright side to life. I like to watch the birds eat at my feeder and it is always pleasant surprise to see certain birds return. They remind me that winter is winding down and spring is on it way once again.

There is a bright side to life if we will only look for it. Don’t allow yourself to always live under the clouds, but remember above the clouds is the sunshine. The clouds will pass by and the sun will shine again. The below zero temperatures will change into spring and summer warmth. The fields will soon produce their harvest again. The flowers will bloom and share their beautiful colors and fragrances again. The robins will return along with the hummingbirds and many others.

My dear friend, there is always a bright side if we will only be patient and keep our faith and trust in God. Everything will come our way again soon.

You may be going through a time when things look dark, but remember, “They that sow in tears shall reap in joy” Psalms 126:6. “Rejoice in the Lord always; and again I say, rejoice” Phil 4:4.


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