Think About It: The Crown of Men


A few weeks ago our two youngest grandchildren, Kaitlin and Titus, stayed overnight at our house. Needless to say it was an exciting evening. As they entered the door they brought their school backpacks along with a few bags and overnight bags.

It appeared they brought enough clothing and books to make it through the night and the next day. I guess I had forgotten the necessities that are needed when you are 10 and 13, going on 16. The surprising thing was they needed and used about everything they brought with them.

My wife and I both agreed that they sure change in their interests, as they get older.

Their interests along with their ideas, opinions and even their vocabularies change. They use words now that I use. I marvel on how intelligent they are becoming of which I am very grateful. They are growing up fast, my wife agreed.

Grandchildren are very special however; I notice they do not seem to stay small long. My wife and I have so many memories of all of our grandchildren; from when they were just born right through first grade, high school graduation day and then on to college. Those memories are very special and we often talk together about them.

Grandchildren go from tricycles to cars and trucks. Where once we pushed them in their baby strollers we now ride with them in their cars or trucks. My wife and I have six grandchildren Lyndsay, Ben, Tim, Ethan, Kaitlin and Titus. We love them all equally and they are in our prayers and thoughts daily.

All six of them have been a real blessing and the older we get the more of a blessing they are to us.

“Children are a heritage of the Lord” Psalm 127:3. “Children’s children are the crown of men, the glory of children are their fathers” Proverbs 17:6. “I love these little people; and it is not a slight thing when they, who are so fresh from God, love us.” — Charles Dickens.

Nothing is better than to hear those words, “I love you Papa and Nana.”


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