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Monthly Archives: November 2000

Each week Farm and Dairy challenges readers to identify a small tool or gadget.

Each week, Farm and Dairy takes a look at what was making news in years gone by.

You might say stained glass art has a colored past. Columnist Roy Booth explores its early use.

A six-month weather forecast now is about as reliable as the prediction on the Florida election, says Tony Lupo, University of Missouri climatologist.

Children of divorced parents often find the holidays the most trying time of the year. But parents can do much to alleviate the stress.

If you want to attract birds to the landscape, trees and shrubs that provide food during the winter months are extremely important.

The former home of Pulitzer Prize-winning novelist Louis Bromfield will be host special holiday events this month.

An ag computer seminar will be offered at two locations this month in western Pennsylvania.

A feasibility study commissioned by the Ohio Corn Marketing Program concludes that Ohio should be producing ethanol.

Monsanto will take greater strides in establishing biotech credibility, vows company CEO Hendrik A. Verfaillie.