Ad campaign designed to jump start lamb demand


DENVER – The American Lamb Council is hoping a new $1.8 million promotional campaign will bolster the sheep industry’s sagging demand.

The council presented plans to promote U.S. lamb during the American Sheep Industry Association’s annual convention in Reno, Nev., Jan. 25-27.

Due to lack of any industry investment in marketing, the council has not conducted any widespread U.S. lamb marketing campaign in several years. The USDA-funded campaign will be the most significant lamb marketing effort made by the council in recent years.

The council is developing and implementing the campaign in conjunction with the BSMG/Bozell Worldwide agency, which has created some memorable campaigns, including the “Milk Mustache” and “The Other White Meat” campaigns.

About the grant.

During the last several months, USDA has awarded 23 lamb marketing grants totaling $4.85 million.

The grants are part of a three-year U.S. sheep industry assistance package that ASI secured as part of the industry’s successful Section 201 trade case against imports.

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