Canfield Fair Livestock Sale 2013


Aug. 29, 30 and Sept. 1 2013
Sale Total:    $430,295.30
Total Lots:          530

Number of Market Lots: 72
Average: $2,340.69 with champions; $2,248.83 without

Grand champion: Tyler Pidgeon
Bid: $5.50/pound              Weight: 1,290 pounds
Buyer: Halcon Resources
Reserve champion: Abby Hemphill
Bid: $2.90/pound              Weight: 1,385 pounds
Buyer: Salem Columbiana Chrysler, Jeep, Dodge
Junior showmanship: Bree Kohler
Intermediate showmanship: Madison Pidgeon
Senior showmanship: Tyler Pidgeon
Junior skill-a-thon: Autum Ridzon
Intermediate showmanship: Cheyenne Heffner
Senior showmanship: Renee Reisner

Number of Lots: 52
Average: $788.47 with champions; $767.10 without

Grand champion: Josie Mellot
Bid: $2.40/pound              Weight: 610 pounds
Buyer: David and Mikki Kanagy
Reserve champion: Brent Reisner
Bid: $2.00/pound              Weight: 580 pounds
Buyer: Bob Smith

Number of Lots: 30
Average: $1,052.12 with champions; $948.75 without

Grand champion: Caleb Sturgeon
Bid: $6/pound              Weight: 516 pounds
Buyer: Miners Tractor Sales, Inc.
Reserve champion: Tyler Higgins
Bid: $4/pound              Weight: 424 pounds
Buyer: Sharp Farms
Junior showmanship: Wyatt Baird
Intermediate showmanship: Caleb Sturgeon
Senior showmanship: Heidi Miller
Junior skill-a-thon: Nelle Yankovich
Intermediate skill-a-thon: Lydia Mashburn
Senior skill-a-thon: David Corll

Number of Lots: 12
Average: $1,247.52 with champions; $1,017.28 without

Grand champion: Tyler Higgins
Bid: $6/pound              Weight: 461 pounds
Buyer: Miners Tractor Sales, Inc.
Reserve champion: Katie Higgins
Bid: $4.25/pound              Weight: 478 pounds
Buyer: Rick Persinger

Number of Lots: 13

Grand champion: Ben Grammer
Bid: $1300              Weight: 12.52 pounds
Buyer: Ben Mercer, of Ben Nutritions Farm Nutrition and Tod Polocher of Nova Veterinary
Reserve champion: Anna McKracken
Bid: $800              Weight:11.52 pounds
Buyer: CJ’s Porta-Potty, Beloit Fuel and Martig Farms

Number of Pens of Three: 56
Average: $160.83 with champions; $150.00 without

Grand champion: Autumn Ridzon
Bid: $250             Weight: 15.75 pounds
Buyer: Jeff Taylor and Family
Reserve champion: Kristina Fusillo
Bid: $225            Weight: 15.6 pounds
Buyer: On the Spot Restoration

Number of Lots: 53
Average: $125.19 with champions; $114.41 without

Grand champion: Brian Yerkey
Bid: $400              Weight: 21.5 pounds
Buyer: Clark Excavating
Reserve champion: Daniel McDonald
Bid: $400             Weight: 36.5 pounds
Buyer: Attorney Donald A. Duda, Jr.

Number of Market Lots: 177
Average: $724.83 with champions; $697.14 without

Grand champion: Abby Hemphill
Bid: $16.50/pound              Weight: 281 pounds
Buyer: Leonard Truck and Trailer and Halcon Field Services
Reserve champion: Madison Pidgeon
Bid: $6.50/pound              Weight: 255 pounds
Buyer: Salem and Columbiana Chrysler Jeep Dodge

Number of Market Lots: 29
Average: $523.40 with champions; $452.05 without
Number of Carcass Lots: 15
Average: $492.57 with champions; $448.87 without

Grand champion: Nate Millison
Bid: $16.75/pound              Weight: 129 pounds
Buyer: Halcon Resources
Reserve champion: Megan Beight
Bid: $6.25/pound              Weight: 130 pounds
Buyer: Eric Petroleum Corporation
Grand champion carcass: Lindsay Smith
Bid: $7/pound              Weight: 128 pounds
Buyer: Rulli Brothers Market
Reserve champion carcass: Tara Balsinger
Bid: $6.50/pound              Weight: 128 pounds
Buyer: Rimedio’s Bakery

Number of Market Lots: 5
Average: $2.19/pound with champions; $1.64/pound without

Grand champion: Cherokee Mellott
Bid: $6/pound              Weight: 70 pounds
Buyer: Seventh District Court of Appeals Judge Mary A. DeGenaro
Reserve champion: MiKala Wyss
Bid: $3.00/pound              Weight: 97 pounds
Buyer: Katie Houk

Number of Market Lots: 9
Average: $333.33 with champions; $235.71 without

Grand champion: Emma Hough
Bid: $800              Weight: 11.8 pounds
Buyer: Snyder’s Antique Auto Parts
Reserve champion: Krista Burcaw
Bid: $550              Weight: 9.85 pounds
Buyer: On the Spot Restoration

Number of Market Lots: 4
Average: $207.75 with champions; $124.50 without

Grand champion: MiKala Wyss
Bid: $4/pound             Weight: 63 pounds
Buyer: Seventh District Court of Appeals Judge Mary DeGenaro
Reserve champion: Taylor Perkins
Bid: $5.50              Weight: 60 pounds
Buyer: Chuck Daugherty Family

Number of Pens of Three: 9
Average: $206.67 with champions; $169.29 without

Grand champion: Angela Fusillo
Bid: $150              Weight: 15.55 pounds
Buyer: On the Spot Restoration
Reserve champion: Katie Prosser
Bid: $100             Weight: 13 pounds
Buyer: Penn/Ohio Rabbit Breeders

Number of Lots: 12
Average: $73.75 with champions; $53.50 without

Grand champion: Jamie Malcomson
Bid: $200            Weight: 5.2 pounds
Buyer: On the Spot Restoration
Reserve champion: Katie Prosser
Bid: $150              Weight: 4.6 pounds
Buyer: Attorney Donald A. Duda

Auctioneers and Ringmen:
Wade Baer, Bill Baer, Kenny Baer, Rudy Kiko, Mark Harding and Barry Pidgeon

Junior Fair Royalty:
King: Brandon Benson        Queen: Meghan Svgetlak
Outstanding Youth Male: David Corll        Female: Colleen Maskarinec

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