CLEVELAND – The National Preservation Conference will be in Cleveland October 8-13.
More than 2,000 people from throughout the United States are expected to attend.
The theme, “Cities, Suburbs, and Countryside,” explores how promoting ‘smart growth,’ conserving open space, and encouraging financial incentives for historic preservation can help revitalize cities, preserve older suburbs, and protect the rural character of the countryside.
Nearly 100 other sessions look at preservation strategies in use across the United States and visit model projects in northeast Ohio.
Register by July 31 for discounted conference rates.
Restoration & Renovation, an exhibition of preservation-related products and services, runs concurrently at the Cleveland Convention Center.
For a preliminary National Preservation Conference program call 1-800-944-6847, e-mail or write National Preservation Conference 2002, National Trust for Historic Preservation, 1785 Massachusetts Ave., NW, Washington, D.C. 20036-2117.