Farm and Dairy writers win state, national awards


SALEM, Ohio – Farm and Dairy reporters won several top awards in writing contests coordinated by the Ohio Society of Professional Journalists and the National Newspaper Association.
Former reporter Kristy Hebert won the National Newspaper Association’s “best feature story” category of the nondaily division, circulation 15,000 or more, with “What’s Left Behind,” a gripping account of a West Virginia widow picking up the pieces following the death of her husband.
It was published in the Sept. 14, 2006, Farm and Dairy.
This category drew the most entries, 53, of any category in the contest. In all, the association’s Better Newspaper Contest received 2,269 entries.
Reporter Janelle Skrinjar received third place in the “best agricultural story” division for a farm safety feature, “Second Chance,” published Oct. 26, 2006.
The awards were presented Sept. 28 at the National Newspaper Association annual convention in Norfolk, Va.
Skrinjar also earned a second place in the Ohio SPJ “best personality profile” trade publications division with her article “Agronomy in Action: He’s All About Helping Farmers Succeed,” published in the March 30, 2006, issue.
Reporter Andrea Zippay placed second in the Ohio SPJ “best general story” category, trade publications, for her article, “Mud and Guts: Hog-Wrestling Trio Determined to Win.” It was published in the Aug. 17, 2006, Farm and Dairy.
The Ohio SPJ awards recognize excellence in television, radio and print journalism. The awards will be presented Oct. 27 in Columbus. The National Newspaper Association awards honor the best in community journalism.