BURTON, Ohio — The Flockmasters 4-H Club made pillowcases for 10 travel-size pillows which were donated to the Geauga County Job and Family Services foster care program. The pillows will be used for children who are entering foster care. Children are also provided bags containing personal hygiene items, activities, and a blanket to help make them a little more comfortable.

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BROWNSVILLE, Pa. — Washington County 4-H Clubs collected 9,567 pounds of food and supplies from 19 clubs, April 9, for the Washington County Food Bank. They collected canned goods, cleaning products and other food items. Don Carter from the Washington Farm Bureau and Heidi Hoffman, donor relations coordinator of the Greater Washington County Food Bank volunteered that day to oversee the donations and weigh in food and supplies.

For more information about the Washington County 4-H program, contact Pamela L. Paletta at plp3@psu.edu or call 724-228-6881.

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CANFIELD, Ohio — The Mahoning County Capriculturists met April 25 to discuss upcoming events. Goat day is May 15, at 1 p.m., and will feature a handling clinic followed by educational exhibits that will be open to the public. There will be a Fun Show and Kinder Show June 11 at the Junior Fair Complex. Safety demonstrations and a group activtiy on goat health concluded the meeting. The next Capriculturists meeting will be May 23.

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CHARDON, Ohio — The Geauga Dairymen club met April 10 at a club members house were they discussed upcoming events and members presented their demonstrations. The club participated in Dairy Palooza April 30. Members who participated in the event do not need to attend quality insurance. All other members must take the quality insurance May 14.

Interviews for Geauga County Fair King and Queen will take place July 9. Resumes should be sent into the fair board prior to this date to be considered.

For a fundraiser, the club will be selling Malley’s candy bars for a $1 and a car wash will be held May 14 from 1-4 p.m.

The next meeting will be May 22. For more information about the Geauga Dairymen 4-H group, call Emma Niehus at 440-221-3812.

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NORTH LIMA, Ohio — The Pinelakers 4-H Club, Mahoning County, met April 28.
The meeting included signing up for Streetscape, a community service project in Youngstown June 4. The club also ordered project books and club T-shirts. The annual family camping trip will be in August, and the club will sell Handel’s Ice Cream pint cards for a fundraiser. The Pinelakers will be putting together a booth for the Canfield Fair and volunteers are needed to work Friday morning of the fair in the Pop Shop. Members discussed a possible scholarship for students that volunteer in the Pop Shop for three years and complete a set number of hours.

The Pinelakers did a service project for nursing home residents by making cupcake liner carnations in a small flower pot.

The officer team includes: Mike Robeson, president; Natalie Delsignore, vice president; Katelyn Ryan, treasurer; Nick Perry, secretary; Hannah Smith Murphy, news reporter; Zoie McCartney, recreation leader; and Bailey Ryan, health and safety reporter. For more information contact Justin Perry at 330-831-4934 or jperrypt@yahoo.com.