A roundup of 4-H news for the week of Jan. 22, 2009


ROGERS, Ohio — The Country Friends 4-H club met Jan. 5 at the Rogers Sale Restaurant.

Old business discussed included the Christmas party, where time was spent making Christmas cards for the residents at Parkside Nursing Home and enjoying a pizza party.

Ashton and Vaughn Unger provided Christmas cookies. Members attended the musical worship service at Parkside Nursing Home Dec. 7.

New business included discussing the quality assurance clinic dates and times.

The upcoming square dance fundraisers were also discussed. The dates are Jan. 17, Feb. 21 and March 21. The dances will run from 7-10 p.m., but all 4-H members need to be at the Rogers Sale Restaurant by 6 p.m. All members are asked to bring two pies and wear your 4-H shirt.

The next meeting will be Feb. 2 at 6:30 p.m.

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RICHMOND, Ohio — The Sunrise Rascals met Jan. 18 at Glen Mills Community Center to elect officers for the upcoming year.

Elected were Tyler Bly, president; Dustin Huggins, vice president; Ben Boyd, secretary; Amber Fiala, treasurer; and Robert Daley, news reporter.

Members reviewed recent activities, including delivering 31 baskets of fruit to the Carriage House Assisted Living Center in December. Future plans include an overnight event, cookie sale, and winter carnival.

The club’s next meeting is Feb. 15 at 2 p.m. at the community center.

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BROOKFIELD, Ohio — The Brookfield 4-H Friends club elected officers during the first meeting of the year, Jan. 8 at the Brookfield United Methodist Church.

Josh Manners was elected president; Lauren Almasy, vice president; Tino Defalco, secretary; and Michael Marshall is treasurer. Natalie Pinchot and Siri Pinchot are co-news reporters. Health officer is Josh James; safety officer, Thomas Almasy; recreation leader, Megan Broxson.

Members also discussed rules for judging at the Trumbull County Fair, which will be June 30 through July 5 at the fairgrounds in Bazetta Township.

Collection of club and county dues started and certificates and 4-H pins where distributed to members for completing a project and exhibiting at the 2008 fair.

Brookfield 4-H Friends meets the first Thursday of the month. The next meeting is Feb. 5 at the church. To learn more, call the Trumbull County Extension office at 330-638-OSUE (6783). More information about Brookfield 4-H Friends can be found at: http://www.freewebs.com/brookfield4hfriends.

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CARROLLTON, Ohio — The Carroll County Farmers ‘N Charmers 4-H club had its meeting Jan. 12 at the Augusta Masonic Lodge.

Members voted on and approved the club’s constitution and bylaws, made a new club logo, passed out candy bar boxes for fundraisers, and discussed a theme for the window display at Kishman’s IGA in Minerva. Members also discussed and voted on various community serves and fundraisers.

The club will provide desserts for the Feb. 14 Augusta Masonic Lodge’s annual swiss steak dinner. The dinner will be served 4-7 p.m. at the lodge.

At the next meeting, the club will host an open house for those interested in joining 4-H. Refreshments will be provided and 4-H advisers will be present to answer any questions. All youth between 9, and in third grade, to 18 as of Jan. 1 are eligible to join. For details, call 330-895-3999.

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