A roundup of 4-H news for the week of March 3, 2011


LORDSTOWN, Ohio — The Cows R Us 4-H dairy club met Feb. 20 at the Southington Christian Church. Cheese basket themes were discussed and will be voted on at the next meeting.

Ohio 4-H week will be March 6-12 and 4-H camp will be July 31-Aug. 6. The fair theme is CSI (Country Scene Investigators). Quality Assurance is April 16 at the Trumbull County Fairgrounds.

The next meeting will be March 20 at the Southington Christian Church.

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WINONA, Ohio — The Lone Rangers 4-H group held there February meeting at the Winona Friends Church with 24 members and 5 advisors present.

A reminder that the county poster contest will be May 12 with the topic on farm safety. Committees for the fair booth were discussed. The group is still doing their aluminum can drive. The next meeting will be at 3 p.m. March 13 at the church.

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NORTH JACKSON, Ohio — The Jackson Milton Livestock Club held its last meeting Feb. 16. Beth Ritchie was voted in as the new president; Colton Horvath as the vice president; Maggie Oblinger as the secretary; Tanner Balsinger as the treasurer; Greta Frost as the reporter; and Amy Ritchie as the photographer.

All members will be required to attend Quality Assurance, March 5, held at West Branch High School. Those members taking poultry should attend the meeting March 8 at 7 p.m. at the farm for chicken selection.

Also, there will be a rabbit meeting, a Skillathon Clinic, the same night, also at the farm at 7:30 p.m.

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MEDINA, Ohio — The Garfield Bees 4-H Club had their 2011 kick off meeting Feb. 27.

The results from the Christmas fundraiser was given and we had our most successful year ever. The old business was to plan for their annual year end trip. The choices were bowling, paint ball, IX Amusement Park or Kalahari.

The club voted for Kalahari. This trip is tentatively planned for noon April 10. There will be more information to follow though our text and email information chain and also at the next meeting.

New business for the club included the election of officers. Nominations were open to the floor and the members voted. As a result of the votes tallied-The officers for the 2011 4-H year are as follows:

President: Tony Kall

Vice President: Lauren Grenya

Secretary: Sara Peck

Treasurer: Anna Skubon

News Reporter: Chrystyana Olson

Health & Safety Officers: Christopher Olson Jr. , Sabrina Howard, Essance Sanders Kathy Arthur, Chucky East, Zach Jogan, and Erik Peck

All the officers were reminded to attend the officers and advisors training at the University of Akron -Medina campus on at 6:30 p.mMarch 24.

The next meeting will be on at 4 p.m. March 13, at the Medina Fairboard Office. The theme is “Erin Go Green” for our annual St Patrick’s Day March meeting.

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BURTON, Ohio — The Geauga Dairymen held a meeting Feb. 21 at Pizza Hut. Club calendars were passed out. Enrollment forms, code of conduct forms, lease agreements and housing forms were passed out and should be completed and returned at the next meeting.

Members were reminded of Quality Assurance requirements for members showing lactating dairy animals. QA test out is April 14 at 6:30 p.m. and for those that don’t test out a QA program will be held May 14 from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. at the fairgrounds.

Members were advised of the Jr. Fair mandatory meetings each 4-H member must attend to participate at fair. Members plan to attend the July 30 meeting at 9 a.m.

The club voted to sell candy bars for the advisory candy bar sale again this year. Members approved the club’s constitution and by-laws. Members turned in their Hoard’s Dairymen forms.

The club’s next meeting will be March 19 and members were reminded to bring their assigned disease reports.

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