A roundup of 4-H news for the week of Nov. 26, 2009


ORWELL, Ohio — The Mustang Wranglers 4-H horse club held its regular monthly meeting Nov. 14 at Saddles Etc. & Gift Shop.

Club members elected the following officers: Stephanie Mason, president; Carolyn Morrow, vice-president; Jackie Warren, secretary; Katrina Kingdom, treasurer; Hannah Propst, reporter and Helena Zaller, librarian.

The club voted on fundraising and community service projects they will do. They are participating in Operation Christmas Child by Samaritan’s Purse by putting together gifts for children in shoe boxes.

They will also be collecting canned goods for Country Neighbor and items for Toys for Tots again this year. Donations can be dropped off at Saddles Etc.

Saddle Horse Committee is having a reverse raffle Feb. 13 at the Expo Center on the fairgrounds to help raise funds for the Saddle Horse arena improvements. Tickets are $50 per couple and $30 for a single and may be purchased at Saddles Etc. or from any horse club adviser.

Helena Zaller did a demonstration on the parts of saddles and bridles.
The members held a bowling night Nov. 20 and their holiday party will be Dec. 12.

The next regular meeting will be held at 11:30 a.m. Jan. 9 at Saddles Etc.

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BARNESVILLE, Ohio — The Barnesville Progressive Home Helpers 4-H club held a meeting Nov. 14 at the Main Street United Methodist Church in Barnesville.

Roll call was name a veteran that you could thank for serving in the military. Devotions were read by Nick and Megan and Mariah led the songs.

Recreations were provided by Brady. Kourtney read the secretaries minutes and Arin provided the treasurers report.

Leann reported one article for the scrapbook. Reports were read.

Livestock record books are due Dec. 1. Rada knife orders were taken until Nov. 24.

The next meeting will be held at 10 a.m. Dec. 12 at the church.

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MOUNT GILEAD, Ohio — The Buckeye Brigade 4-H club met Nov. 13 at the home of 4-H advisers Linda Hill, Darla and Dale Clinedinst.

Advisers passed out award pins to club members that completed the 2009 club year.

The club welcomed three new potential members. The advisers reminded members of officer elections which will take place Dec. 11.

The 2010 program guide was passed around to allow members to view project choices.

The 4-H program offers many different projects from natural resources, food, clothing, animals and technology areas. If you know anyone that wants to be in 4-H, we are accepting more members.

Membership to the 4-H club program begins when a child is at least 8 and enrolled in third grade as of January 1 of the current year. Ohio 4-H membership ends Dec. 31 of the year in which an individual attains the age of 19.

If you are interested, contact Darla Clinedinst at 419-253-3403.

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CARROLLTON, Ohio — The Stillforth 4-H club met Nov. 16 with 14 members in attendance.

Enrollment cards were filled out and Best of 4-H Night awards were passed out to members who were not at the ceremony.

The club welcomed new members Alex Wilson, Alyssa Wilson, Abby Wilson, Connor Lannes, Dalton Ulman and Stephanie Kelly.

The next meeting will be held at 7 p.m. Dec. 21 at Mount Zion Church. This is the club’s Christmas party and the election of officers will take place.

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NORTH BENTON — The Village Varieties 4-H club met Nov. 10 at the North Benton Presbyterian Church with 48 members present.

The meeting opened with the members making crafts and writing cards for residents of local nursing home facilities.

The club made plans for Christmas caroling Dec. 12 at Pleasantview Nursing Home in Damascus. The club members also brought in food for the North Benton Presbyterian food pantry as well as toys for the Beloit Ruritan Share-A-Christmas project.

Members made plans for ringing the kettle bell for the Salvation Army. On Nov. 14, the Jones family, the Burcaw family, Jon James and the Wyss family rang bells in downtown Sebring during the Christmas Open House.

Members were presented the certificates for participation along with 4-H pins for their years of membership.

Sharen O’Brock, the club’s lead adviser, also presented advisers with pins for their years of service.

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