A roundup of 4-H news for the week of Oct. 11, 2012:


LOUISVILLE, Ohio — Kool Kats 4-H club member Chris Miller, of Louisville, finished first at the 62nd annual National 4-H Engineering Challenge in West Lafayette, Ind. He competed in the computer category, one of nine contests in the event.

The event was conducted by extension agricultural engineers and 4-H professionals. Funding was provided in part by the Stark County 4-H advisory committee.

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BURTON, Ohio — Any youth, at least 15, who is interested in serving as a 2013 Geauga County 4-H camp counselor, or adults interested in serving as deans/assistant deans are invited to attend an informational meeting from 6-8 p.m. Dec. 13 at the Extension office.

4-H membership is not required.

Applications will be available at this time. Interested individuals should RSVP at 440-834- 4656 by Dec. 7.

Parents are welcome to attend.

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MOUNDSVILLE, W.Va. — The Ridge Runners 4-H Club is celebrating National 4-H Week, held Oct.7-13, by having their first meeting of the year.

They held their last official meeting of the 2011-2012 club year on September 11 at the fire department’s social hall. Kyle Clark called the meeting to order.

New member Luke Cramer and Greyson Rine led the pledges. Roll call was answered by whether the member had finished their projects or not for the year. Clark also read the minutes from the last meeting and they were approved. Clark also read devotions, a poem commemorating 9-11.

Old business discussed was the past fair and the members’ accomplishments. New business included new year paperwork, upcoming fundraisers, shooting sports meeting times, goat and rabbit club meeting time, and observing National 4-H Week by holding the regular business meeting and the wearing of 4-H shirts to school and activities. New members recognized were Luke Cramer, Ashley Miller, and Gretchen Rine.

Anyone wishing to have additional information about the West Virginia 4-H program can visit their website at www.4-hyd.ext.wvu.edu/about4h. For information about 4-H in Marshall County, call the WVU Extension Office at 304-843-1170.

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