A roundup of 4-H news for the week of Oct. 14, 2010


MOUNDSVILLE, W. Va. — The Ridge Runners 4-H club kicked off its new year with its first meeting Sept.14 at the Bowman Ridge Community Center.

The club recognized fellow member Jessica Midcap, who had been crowned the W.Va. Dairy Princess. The Cloverbud Club also met at the same time and made terrariums and planted flowers.

Upcoming county events include: Goat and Rabbit Club meeting Oct. 14; Leaders’ Banquet Oct. 27; Achievement Day Oct. 31; and steer project weigh-in Nov. 6.

Future club events announced are the annual Thanksgiving dinner to be held Nov. 6 and the club’s annual Christmas party and community service project Dec. 4. Any interested people age 9 or in the third grade through age 21 are invited to this meeting.

Project cards will be available to sign up for projects.

Cloverbuds will also meet at the same time. Anyone in kindergarten through second grade who is interested in Cloverbuds may come to that meeting.

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HIRAM, Ohio — The Geauga Dairymen held a 4-H meeting Oct. 9. Members signed thank you cards for the buyer of their basket, back up bidders and companies that donated cheese.

The next sales committee meeting is Oct. 14. Members plan on using money earned from their calendar sale for a club field trip.

Some trip ideas included: going to a corn maze, Cedar Point or a dairy tour or show.

The club elected the following officers for 2010-2011: President: Rachel Shrock; vice president: Devon Brezo; secretary: Kalyn Ward; treasurer: Becca Klein; Health Reporter: Dakota Ward; Safety Reporter: Tony Brezo; News Reporter: Jordyn Brezo; and Recreation Leader: Max Retych. Members were reminded of member recognition at 7 p.m. Oct. 20 at Notre Dame.

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