A roundup of FFA news for the week of Aug. 2, 2012:


ANDOVER, Ohio — The Pymatuning Valley FFA held a meeting July 18, where everyone enjoyed swimming and a picnic.

One upcoming event for the Pymatuning Valley FFA includes the Ashtabula County Fair. It is here where members will be able to showcase the animals that they have invested so much time and care in.

Also at the fair, is the FFA building. Many FFA members will show off their hay, crops, woodshop and science fair projects, and much more in this building.

The Pymatuning Valley FFA Chapter will also have a meeting during fair, where they will have fun eating corn on the cob and socializing with fellow members.

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ALBANY, Ohio — On July 5, Alexander FFA members Jacob Hoisington, Max Baumgartel, Tiffany Cooper, Zach Thomas, Sharon Bolin, and Austin Crabtree attended the fourth session of FFA camp at Camp Muskingum in Carrolton, Ohio.

The members were introduced to 180 other members from across Ohio as well as nine of the State officers. As campers they went through series of activities such as canoeing, kayaking, archery, shot gun, rifle, paintballing, flag raising and lowering, officer workshops, also competi ng in night games and water games.

The last night campers listened to the guest speaker followed by a dance.

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ALLIANCE, Ohio — Members of the Marlington FFA Chapter traveled to Ohio FFA Camp Muskingum in Carrollton, Ohio June 22-25.

Selected from the chapter were two of the 2012-2013 FFA officers; vice president, sophomore Staci Faverty, and student advisor, junior Megan Conrad. The members were able to attend thanks to the Stark County Farm Bureau, Nationwide Insurance and the Marlington FFA Alumni & Friends who provided scholarships to the camp.

At the camp members focused on leadership skills and team building techniques. While attending the camp they were encouraged to participate in team sports, lake activities, shooting sports and hikes in the woods. Marlington members were able to interact and learn from the National FFA officers who traveled in for the camp.

Faverty and Conrad will bring back their newly gained knowledge to the entire Marlington FFA officer team during the summer officer retreat.

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