A roundup of FFA news for the week of March 5, 2009


WELLINGTON, Ohio — The Wellington FFA chapter has been very active working on officer books, proficiency awards, state degree applications, FFA Week, and numerous contests.

This year’s treasurer, Amelia Jones, received a gold rating on her treasurer’s book. Kayleigh Switzer, this year’s secretary, received a silver rating on her book. This year’s reporter, Jillian Auble, received a gold rating on her scrapbook and also placed first in the district.

Jeneva Auble, Ryan Roberts and Amelia Jones all applied for their state degrees. All three applications passed district evaluation and are moving on to state evaluation.

Lauren Fehlan is one of two candidates for district Star Farmer. Three of her proficiencies also moved onto the state level. She placed second in the sub-district speaking contest Feb. 11.

Another contest that took place recently was tractor trouble shooting. Two first year members, Kyle Osborne and Michael Storrow, participated.

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HARRISBURG, Pa. — Thirty-three student from Laurel, Wilmington and Mohawk FFA recently attended the Agricultural Cooperation Establishes Success Conference. Each member was asked to bring a food item for the Central Food Bank. The leadership conference was sponsored by the Pennsylvania FFA.

FFA members donated a total of 1,088 pounds of food — enough for approximately 1,000 meals — during the conference.

The students who attended from Laurel were Philip Richards, Tori Richards, Brandy Smail, Sarah Wilson, Amanda Mitcheltree, and Shyanna Adams.

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WEST SALEM, Ohio — Members of the Northwestern-Wayne FFA chapter traveled to Mt. Gilead High School to judge at a Career Development Event Invitational Feb. 14.

The chapter competed in general livestock, poultry and horse.
The teams will be busy traveling and judging each Saturday until the state contest March 28.

Members participated in the District 3 Ag Sales and Job Interview CDE Contest Feb. 24 at Northwestern High School.

The Ag Sales Team of Jerrin Hill, Alison McGinnis, Kelsey Bowers, Katryna Ousley and Zach Hottel placed first.

The Job Interview participants Kyle Schirm, Jessica Wellert and Olivia Stover finished first in their divisions and Sabrina Johnson finished second in her division.

The Ag Sales Team and Schirm, Wellert and Stover will travel to the State Contest March 7 in Columbus.

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ASHLAND, Ohio — The Mapleton FFA Meats, Dairy Foods, Equine and General Livestock teams competed in a couple contests Feb. 14.

The Meats Team competed at the Ohio State Buckeye Competition and the Dairy Foods, Equine, and General Livestock Teams competed at the Mount Gilead Invitational.

The Meats Team, which consisted of Jarrod Brant, Shelby Rohr, Jeffry Smith and Stacey Watts, placed 10th.

The Meats Team’s next competition will be at Marysville March 7.

The Dairy Foods team placed third out of nine.

The Equine Team placed sixth of 30 with Courtney Hower in 10th.

The General Livestock Team placed fourth out of 37 with Jared Wynn in fourth.

The group celebrated National FFA Week Feb. 16-20 with daily activities, including a T-shirt day, a breakfast and egg race. There was a canned food drive that included admission to the students vs. teachers basketball game.

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