A roundup of FFA news for the week of Nov. 4, 2010:


INDIANAPOLIS — A group of Miami Trace FFA members went to Indianapolis Oct. 20 for the 83rd National FFA Convention. The group took an overnight trip and attended two days of the convention. The chapter also toured The Ohio State University’s agriculture campus and veterinary hospital.

They arrived midafternoon at Conseco Field House for the opening session of the convention. The group also attended the Lady Antebellum concert at Lucas Oil Stadium. Two Miami Trace chapter members, Sarah Peterson and Tanner Mick, sang in the National FFA Choir.

Also, five former Miami Trace FFA members were recognized for receiving their American Degree, which is one of the highest honors presented through the FFA. Gus Bonham, Amy Frost, Byron Gustin, Shannon Horn and Zachary Sollars, received the American FFA Degree. The honor was presented Oct. 24 at the 83rd National FFA Convention. Of more than 520,000 FFA members nationwide, the recipients from Miami Trace were five of only 3,448 to be recognized in 2010.

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COLUMBUS — The Fort Loramie FFA Chapter in Shelby County has been named the $1,000 People’s Choice grand prize winner in the Because I Care video contest, sponsored by Ohio Farm Bureau Federation’s Center for Food and Animal Issues.

To qualify for the contest, Ohio farmers, county Farm Bureaus, youth agricultural organizations and other farm-related groups were required to submit to the contest site and YouTube.com a 90- to 120-second video containing positive and informative messages about livestock farming.

The winning video, titled FL Ag Ed ‘Because I Care,’ stars Fort Loramie FFA students in various roles important to agriculture, including a dairy and hog farmer, nutrient management specialist, food scientist, a consumer who supports local foods and a veterinarian.

The students describe the critical value of care in each role, from proper animal treatment and well-being, to sound environmental practices, to disease prevention and food safety. The FFA chapter was declared the contest winner after a 17-day online public vote.

It will receive a $1,000 gift card for winning the contest, along with a $500 gift card, which was awarded to all eight finalists. More than 5,000 votes were tallied throughout the contest.

View an archive of all the contest videos at http://www.bit.ly/BecauseICareArchive.

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ASHLAND, Ohio –The National General Livestock Career Development Event was held Oct. 20 with the Mapleton FFA competing. The competition was held in Indianapolis. It was part of the annual National FFA Convention.

Five Mapleton High School students participated in the event, four of whom placed nationally. Leading the team was Jared Wynn and Adam Heffelfinger, both receiving gold ratings. Also adding to the team’s success was Garrett Canfield and Colton Hickey, who both received silver ratings, and Herman Haupricht.

Altogether the team placed 16th and was awarded a silver rating.

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WEST SALEM, Ohio — The Northwestern FFA put in numerous hours of practice and their hard work and dedication showed with the final placing of ninth in the national Dairy Cattle Evaluation Career Development Event.

The event was held in conjunction with the 83rd National FFA Convention in Indianapolis.

The team received a gold emblem and the members who represented Northwestern were Tyler and Tessa Topp, Ben Miller, Sage Kopronica and John Eberly (alternate).

Both Topps received individual gold emblems, Ben Miller received a silver, and Kopronica was awarded a bronze.

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